Getting All The Facts On The Community Center
To the Editor:
I attended the Community Center Phase I Info Session held at the Newtown Municipal Center on March 24, and when I left the meeting I felt much more educated. Pat Llodra and her committee staff members gave excellent presentations. They explained the project in lengthy detail and answered numerous questions presented by the audience. By the questions asked, it was apparent that many of the residents were uninformed or misguided. They had formed opinions based on inaccuracies and erroneous facts.
I would like to encourage all residents, especially those who have doubts and fears, to attend a future session so they can become more informed. GE is giving us an opportunity, once in a lifetime, to build a Community/Senior Center so that every person in every age group can come to enjoy and get pleasure from. Every effort should be made to make certain the referendum is passed so this much needed facility can come to fruition.
Marianne Muskus
28 Bonnie Brae Drive, Newtown March 25, 2015