Silent Auction A Success
Silent Auction A Success
To the Editor:
I want to thank everyone who made our annual silent auction a successful and fun evening. I want to thank our Vice Presidents Meaghan Berry, Margaret McCarthy and Jen Meyer and this committee for their endless hours of work and their understanding families. I also want to thank my board president, Sue Miller, and our parents who worked countless hours on the school quilts with the help from our quilt coordinator Erin Varga. Special thanks goes to Martin Blanco who was wonderful and very entertaining as our master of ceremonies. He did a terrific job auctioning off our quilts that evening.
I want to thank the Newtown community and our benefactors who supported our auction with donations for that evening. Without their generosity this evening would not happen.
I also want to thank our preschool board for always being there for the children and our school. I can never thank our teachers enough for their constant dedication and enthusiasm for the children of our preschool.
And last but not least, I wish to thank everyone who attended this special event. Your support means a great deal to our school. We all had a lot of fun.
Kathy Murdy, Director
Newtown Congregational Preschool
14 West Street, Newtown                                            March 24, 2009