GOP Meet & Greet Invites Unaffiliated Voters
The Newtown Republican Town Committee is calling all party members who may currently, or at some point in the future, consider serving their community in an elected or appointed capacity. And for the first time, the GOP is actively recruiting unaffiliated voters who may have expertise or knowledge they can contribute by filling Republican vacancies on appointed boards.
Newly elected RTC Chairman Jeff Capeci and Vice Chair Dan Wiedemann told The Bee that local Republicans are holding an open house and Meet & Greet event Sunday, March 29, from 2 to 4 pm, at the home of Legislative Council Vice Chair Neil Chaudhary, 1 Southbrook Lane.
Mr Capeci said several dozen local Republicans who expressed previous interest in serving, and volunteers not yet selected to fill vacancies, have been invited to the event.
“The RTC interviews people all the time for appointments, and if the fit is not right, we ask to hold on to their names,” he said. “We have an important municipal election coming up this fall, and we could have seats to fill on potentially every board and commission in town.”
Mr Wiedemann said any service-minded individual who is either a registered Republican or unaffiliated citizen elector could lend their energy to serving Newtown in some small capacity, and should consider attending the Sunday event.
“The thing a lot of us keep hearing around town is that people are out there with ideas and skills and they’re ready and willing to serve, but they don’t know how to go about getting nominated,” he said.
Regarding recent changes in RTC leadership, Mr Capeci praised recently retired chairman Dennis Bloom, who spent five years leading the local party.
“After five years, Dennis decided to take a step back,” Mr Capeci said.
“He did a great job,” Mr Wiedemann added, “and Jeff — who was serving as vice chair — was there to take his spot and is extremely capable of leading the team.”
Councilman Joe Girgasky also recently stepped into the RTC treasurer post filling a vacancy, and Finance Board member John Godin is the party’s Candidates Committee chairman.
Anyone seeking more information on possibly serving, who cannot make the Sunday event, is encouraged to contact Mr Godin via e-mail at, or attend a monthly RTC meeting. Those meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month in the meeting room of Newtown Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road in Sandy Hook.
To make a reservation for Sunday’s Meet & Greet event, contact RTC Secretary Carey Schierloh at 203-470-6613.