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Get Mad And Stay Mad



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Get Mad And Stay Mad

To the Editor:

Chris Murphy does it again, ignores the law of our land, his oath to the Constitution, and votes Yea for the Obamacare monstrosity. With the passage of this bill Sunday night, America has taken another leap toward a totalitarian regime. The bill will destroy our economy while reducing the quality of medical care. It is a corporate robbery which will impoverish the middle class, where jobs are created, and at the same time make great profits for the top insurance companies, who on record wrote the bill. This bill is not about health care, it is about more taxes and more taxes on everything! This is unconstitutional. This is racketeering.

The House Democrats made a spectacle of themselves during the health care debate, alarmingly displaying cultlike behaviors. Strutting up to the podium with words of support for this bill, with their noses in the air (a defense against their own self-contempt), and believing they know better than the American people what is good for them, with fingers in their ears as to not hear the truth that it may shatter their core beliefs about what it means to be an American, nor to hear the disapproval of their constituents, they followed their masters (Pelosi and Obama) like lemmings over the cliff bringing America with them to fall on the jagged rocks below. Pelosi’s plea for the bill was complete senseless babble and lies. She even had the audacity to speak of our Founding Fathers as if this bill were something of which they would approve.

Closed doors and last minute secret meetings were some of the devious tricks pulled by the Obama Administration to sway holdouts to their cause. Dennis Kucinch who had once declared that the bill was a bailout for the insurance companies caves during his flight with Obama on Air Force One. A photo of Obama disembarking revealed his success with a smug smile like the cat that caught the canary.

This bill is so wrong for our country that 39 states have filed or intend to file for the Freedom for Choice in Health Care Act to stop the unconstitutional federal encroachment at the state lines. Will Connecticut protect us? If this bill was so great, why have 20,000 armed IRS agents been hired to collect and enforce mandatory premiums? Don’t fall for the propaganda blitz being prepared in an attempt to change your opinion of the health care bill.

Don’t get used to it! Don’t forget. That is what our criminal government wants. That is how incrementalism works. Get mad and stay mad! Mad enough to take back our states and local governments, our only solution! Vote Murphy out!

Babette Lagnese

Pebble Road, Newtown                                                   March 23 2010

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