Help For Senior Citizens
To the Editor:
Hope all are doing well in these very complicated times. I wanted to make any interested parties aware that Friends of Newtown Seniors (FONS) has been contacted by a number of groups and individuals who are willing to provide support and services to seniors in Newtown. If you are a senior, a caregiver, or you know a senior who might need support at this time, please call us at 203-430-0633 or e-mail to request getting groceries delivered, food for dogs or cats, or maybe just a phone call from time to time to touch base with someone local who cares. Volunteers from local organizations such as the Lions Club, scout leaders, Ben’s Lighthouse, Catherine Violet Hubbard, and various businesses and individuals have contacted us and offered to help. We are glad to serve as a clearing house for requests serving the Newtown senior population.
Take care of each other and let us know if there is anything we might be able to do to help.
John Boccuzzi, Sr
President Friends of Newtown Seniors
57 Queen Street, Newtown March 25, 2020