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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: Kate Mayer



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Occupation: I'm a writer, humorist, and activist. I have my blog, kathrynmayer.com - I write essays, and social commentary; and I write marketing copy for websites and brochures. That feeds my family. The blog feeds my soul.

Family: I'm the Eggleston mom, married to Brad Eggleston, forever. We've co-produced four children. Three are proud NHS grads, and one, Evan, is a sophomore there. Brady, Zoe, and Eliza are the grads.

Pets: We have one little dog, Lola, who people say is an accessory, not a real dog. She's a white, fluffy mutt.

How long have you lived here? We have lived on and off in Newtown since 1989, this last stint for 16 years. In between, we bought a house in Bridgeport and sold it when Brady was ready for kindergarten; and we lived in Ohio for 18 months.

What do you like to do in your free time? I look for my glasses and I look for my phone. When I'm not doing that, I drive for the library's Books On Wheels program, and for Meals On Wheels, and I volunteer for Newtown Action Alliance. I also do a lot of work for the Newtown Arts Festival, which I love. I write a real lot, too. I buy a lot of books, but I read very slowly, and mostly when I'm on vacation. I listen to audio books all the time.

What book have you recently read? I'm reading Americanah right now, a story about race relations. It's also about women, and about society.

Do you have a favorite audio book? By far, it is Tina Fey's Bossypants, read by Tina Fey. I feel like she's my best friend now.

Do you have a favorite travel destination? We go on vacation to a family camp, a real old-school kind of camp, on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. We've been going to the Sandy Island Family Camp for 16 years, and are the "newbies," by far. We go the same week every year. I love that there's no technology, no television, and no movies. Kids can do as much as they want or nothing. All of life's problems can be solved in the Four Square court!

What is the best thing about Newtown? I think it's the loyalty people have to the town. The majority of people running the town are volunteers. They all want the best for the town, they just go about it in different ways. If you're not volunteering or helping, you can't complain. There are so many people, doing so many things.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? I would say the author Judy Blume. It all started with a book and a flashlight. She wrote about things that were real world things. You can make a social commentary and still laugh at the absurdity. Then it evolved to Anna Quindlen. I liked her columns. She could take a small, mundane moment and show you the larger implications.

If you could spend a day with anyone, who would you choose? I wouldn't mind spending the day with the new Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. I don't know if my husband would approve. He looks pretty fine, and I heard he is a feminist. Just to talk to him…

Kate Mayer is this week's Snapshot profile.

Do you have a guilty pleasure? I do! It would be the bread pudding at Sal e Pepe's. It rotates flavors and is unbelievably good. And Netflix, to just chill.

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