The Loss Of More Than Money
The Loss Of More
Than Money
To the Editor:
I guess I share the outrage all citizens of Newtown must feel over the betrayal by former Newtown Police Officers Stinson and Costello. Iâm more outraged because as a retired police officer and a former Newtown resident for 24 years, I feel that Stinson and Costello stole more than money from their union. They stole the integrity of their fellow officers.
When you take the oath of office, you promise to be uphold the laws and constitution of the State of Connecticut and serve the people. You also become part of a family that hurts when you hurt and is proud when you stand out.
So far this year, close to 50 officers have died in service to their communities. Stinson and Costello have dishonored them all. The Newtown Police ask for donations to their union from the citizens of Newtown and conduct Christmas toy drives. Hopefully the actions of these crooks wonât impair future charity drives by NPD.
James Rodriguez
120-2 Phillips Highway, Ponda Vedra, Fl                March 23, 2011