The building plans that were submitted to the Borough of Newtown on March 7 for the new Congregational Church on Castle Hill Road have been temporarily withdrawn because of some problems with the soil erosion plan and the proposed driveway. A new sta
The building plans that were submitted to the Borough of Newtown on March 7 for the new Congregational Church on Castle Hill Road have been temporarily withdrawn because of some problems with the soil erosion plan and the proposed driveway. A new state mandated law, recently enacted, requires erosion plans to comply with state regulations. The plans did not measure the control of the erosion of the soil.
Eleven young women will compete in the 1986 Miss Newtown Scholarship Pageant on Saturday, April 5, at 7:30 pm, at Newtown High School. Judging that night will be based on talent, and on bathing suit and evening gown competition. Personal interviews conducted earlier in the day will also be considered in the judging. Scholarships and trophies will be awarded to the winner and first two runners-up.
The town is considering selling the Town Garage on Church Hill Road and using the proceeds to erect a new building at the new garage on Turkey Hill Road. The Church Hill garage currently is used for some storage, but a new building at the Turkey Hill facility would centralize and concentrate resources to one area.
March 31, 1961
A total of 117 inoculations was administered Saturday in the Polio clinic set up in a trailer at the Shopping Center by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, many receiving inoculations for the first time. The State of Connecticut furnished a supply of vaccine. Cashman Drug Store donated additional vaccine.
Mitchell Farm Starline Phoebe 3797842 (GP), a registered Holstein owned by Philip A. and Rose A. Coons, of Newtown, has become the 956th cow to complete a yearly record of more than 1,000 pounds of butterfat in the official production testing program of the Holstein-Friesian Association of America.
Edmond Town Hall Theatre: Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday; March 31, April 1,2,3 Where The Boys Are with Jim Hutton, Yvette Mimieux, and Dolores Hart. Story of Four Girls on Their Easter Vacation At Fort Lauderdale. Friday-Saturday, April 7-8 The Wackiest Ship In The Army with Jack Lemmon and Ricky Nelson.
The many cat friends of Princess Zunda, the beautiful yellow feline belonging to Mr and Mrs Milton F. Hull of Main Street will be happy to learn that the Princess has returned home from her sojourn in the hospital. After giving birth to five kittens, the Princess is resting comfortably and is doing as nicely as can be expected.
March 27, 1936
H.G. Warner, Sandy Hook, Conn. SPECIALS! SLICED BACON, per lb, 25 cents; FANCY FRANKFURTERS, per lb, 25 cents; RIB END PORK CHOPS, per lb, 25 cents; FLORIDA ORANGES, per doz, 30 cents; LARGE INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for 25 cents; PURE STRAINED HONEY, 1 lb jar, 25 cents; PHILLIPâS EARLY JUNE PEAS, per can, 10 cents; SPECIAL CREAM COFFEE, per lb, 27 cents.
There have been two new cases of scarlet fever this week occurring in children of the Sandy Hook school. According to Dr Waldo F. Desmond, health officer, this is not alarming and every effort is being made to maintain control and to check the spread of this disease. On March 12, one of the school bus drivers contracted scarlet fever. The Visiting Nurse is making daily inspections.
The early birds opened the tennis season, Wednesday, on the court of H.F. Warner in Berkshire, when Rev William G. Wright, Dr Maurice Corrigan, Hobart Warner, and Wilbur Griscom lined the court and proceeded to acquire sore muscles from the seasonâs first game.
Bids for the improvement of Riverside and Botsford Hill roads, Newtown, were to be opened at the State Highway Dept, Hartford, on Monday. The estimated cost of the project, financed by the PWA funds, is $99,500. A total of 19,482 feet of construction is planned for improvement of Newtown highways.
March 31, 1911
A small workshop at Hawleyville belonging to Fred Sanford caught fire, last week, Wednesday, from a passing engine. Selectman S.A. Blackman, who happened to be coming out of his house, saw the smoke and rallied the neighbors and put it out. Mr Blackman has now qualified for membership in the Newtown Fire Department.
Postmaster W.M. Reynolds has arranged for an addition to the Newtown mail service. There will be a pouch received on Sunday morning direct from New York, with letters and Sunday papers.
Extensive repairs are now underway on the lower rooms of the Congregational church, which are to be enlarged and improved. William Thickett is the carpenter. In beginning the excavations they found under the floor a hand made carpenterâs chisel, which probably belonged to Hiram Parmalee, who had charge of the work when the improvements were made in 1850 to 1852.
There was a serious mix-up in teams at the railroad station, Wednesday night. The horse of W.T. Cole, frightened at the lightning, became unmanageable and ran into the team of Mrs Schermerhorn, in charge of C.G. Peck, wrecking the carriage, and making general confusion. A carriage of Hon F.J. Naramore was also wrecked in the mix-up.