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Trash On Our Streets



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To the Editor:

I am writing to help bring awareness to the enormity of trash that litters the roads in Newtown, specifically the Botsford Hill Rd,Toddy Hill Rd freeway. Driving to and from my home, it is alarming at the amount of garbage that is tossed out the windows of cars and trucks as they speed down this road.

Every day I pick up bottles, cans, plastic, pizza boxes, leftover lunch etc from my property. It’s shocking and sad the amount of garbage I see. Why do people finish what they are eating or drinking and toss it out the window? Do they think it just disappears? The underpass by the lumberyard looks like a dumping ground.

I urge people to be more mindful of tossing garbage out their windows, I feel like I live on Tobacco Road. Let’s help keep Newtown beautiful.

Fran Pizighelli


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