Town Welcomes New Library Director Karen Tatarka
After several months of searching for a new director for the C.H. Booth Library, former Weston Public Library Director Karen Tatarka was unanimously voted in by the eight-person search committee to fill the role.
On March 1, Ms Tatarka officially started her new position in Newtown. She recently sat down with The Newtown Bee to share her journey working in libraries and her excitement for being part of the Newtown community.
A Lifetime Passion For Libraries
"I'm one of those people that found something they liked when they were really young," said Ms Tatarka.
Her first experience working in a library came while she was studying at Fordham University for her bachelor's and master's degrees in English literature. She did a federal work study program and was assigned to the school's library.
"When I got my master's degree, I went to work for UConn-Stamford as head of circulation," said Ms Tatarka.
While there she enrolled at Southern Connecticut State University and obtained her Master of Library Science Degree.
Ms Tatarka said, "I had the opportunity to work at the Wilton Library and was there for quite a while. I was head of circulation, I worked in reference there. I also did a lot of technology there."
She even spent a brief time down south at Auburn University's academic library in Alabama.
"I've had the ability to have that experience, but public libraries have always been my passion. I really like working with the public, and I'm really looking forward to reaching out to the community," Ms Tatarka said.
For the last six years she has been the director of the Weston Public Library and gained valuable knowledge through the many projects she led there.
"We grew the library a lot in terms of services, programs, and collections. We did a really extensive renovation that just wrapped up. That was a lot of fun and a great learning experience," Ms Tatarka said. "The feedback from the community was really positive after."
She hopes to use all the information and tools that she has acquired through those experiences to help the C.H. Booth Library continue to flourish.
"I'm very fortunate," Ms Tatarka said. "Brenda [McKinley, former C.H. Booth Library director] put into place, along with the board and the staff, the Strategic Plan. They're almost a year into that, so I am getting caught up."
One of the focuses of the Strategic Plan is working on space planning for the library by reworking the area it has to meet the needs of the community. Ms Tatarka is excited for the task, especially after coming off the renovation project in Weston.
Ms Tatarka expressed that she is eager to be a part of other components of the library's Strategic Plan, such as the marketing plan and implementing more outreach to the community.
"There are all these wonderful things in place, and I am kind of picking up in the middle to carrying them through to its conclusion - but that's exciting, too. I think what Brenda, the board, and the staff have put in place is fantastic," Ms Tatarka said.
After working in libraries in Fairfield County for most of her career, Ms Tatarka knew that the opportunity to work in Newtown was special.
"Newtown has a great reputation for the library being really loved by the community," Ms Tatarka said.
As library director, she is eager to meet with local patrons and organizations. She wants the community to know she is accessible.
"I love being approached by the public," Ms Tatarka said. "I would absolutely love for people to pop in and say hi."
Community Meet And Greet
A public meet and greet in Ms Tatarka's honor took place on the second floor of the library on Sunday, March 19, for the community to welcome the newest staff member of their public library.
Guests chatted over a generous spread of snacks and refreshments served during the two-hour afternoon event in the cafe area.
A colorful banner that read "Welcome Karen" hung across one of the entryways. Each triangular section of the sign had a personalized, handwritten message written on the back for Ms Tatarka.
One encouraging note said, "Hi my name is Jack, I'm so glad you are our new library director. You will meet a lot of new friends at our library!"
Another message that summed up many community members' well wishes was from a child named Hailey, who wrote, "I'm glad you are in Newtown and I hope you will love the library as much as I do."