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It’s A Date: Interfaith Council Moves Forward With Plans For Passover Seder



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Newtown Interfaith Council (NIC) members built off of discussions from their previous meeting and continued planning for future events at their March 11 meeting at Trinity Episcopal Church.

Newtown Congregational Church Lead Pastor Matt Crebbin and Love Has A Home Here Founder Bill Donaldson talked to their fellow council members about a potential Passover Seder for this spring.

A Seder is a Jewish service and ceremonial feast that marks the beginning of Passover. The council members previously talked about the possibility of hosting a Passover Seder during the February NIC month’s meeting, with Crebbin saying it would be a great learning opportunity for people to learn about Jewish traditions. The event would be sponsored by the NIC and run by local Jewish leaders and rabbis.

A few Seders have been held in Newtown before, but Crebbin said the organizers did not want to hold the ceremonies year after year. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the extension of the pause, but Crebbin said there seems to be renewed interest in holding another one soon.

Crebbin said he had talked to the leader of Newtown’s synagogue in recent weeks. The leader of Congregation Adath Israel, Rabbi Barukh Schectman, reportedly told Crebbin “he’d be happy to” lead the celebration.

“He had done it in the past, so it works out pretty well,” Crebbin said last week.

Following discussion, the group decided on Sunday, April 6, with the event to begin at 1 pm. Crebbin offered to host the Seder at Newtown Congregational Church, which the others agreed to.

Crebbin also said the event worked well in the past when organizers divided tasks, with multiple people providing different elements toward the Seder.

“I don’t want to put the burden just on one group of people and have them come up with everything,” he explained.

He said he recruited a few people in his congregation who would be interested in helping. Trinity Church Reverend Andrea Castner Wyatt said she could advertise it within the Trinity community.


Reporter Jenna Visca can be reached at jenna@thebee.com.

Newtown Interfaith Council members excitedly continued planning for a Passover Seder in early April, something that the council has sponsored in the past.
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