What's In The Works?
At The Newtown Bee, we are working on articles every week for our readers’ education and enjoyment, and subscribers often get the first — and sometimes exclusive — look at many stories in print. In this time of crisis, we feel it is particularly important that all of our readers, online and in print, have the facts they need. Our print edition is as up-to-date as is possible by the time we go to press each week. Our online stories are regularly updated.
What’s in the works for the edition of March 27 includes the most current updates on how COVID-19 is affecting Newtown; Board of Education reports; learn about a special book about our town historian; news from the Legislative Council; along with your favorite regular offerings, and more. As The Newtown Bee works through changes wrought by COVID-19, you may see some changes to our coverage — but we are here for you, in print and online.
There are plenty of stories and breaking news posted to newtownbee.com, and you’ll find full coverage in our print edition. For complete news about Newtown, join our subscribers in being in the know (https://classadz.vdata.com/Legacy/NewtownBee/Circulation/Subscriber/).
Now is the time to “Bee” in the know!