NYFS Seeking Volunteers
NYFS Seeking Volunteers
The annual Newtown Youth & Family Services (NYFS) event Independent Living Day (ILD) allows low- to moderate-income seniors and disabled residents to remain in their homes independently for longer periods of time. Additionally NYFS provides the seniors with a link to the outside community, making them feel welcomed and cared for as part of the larger community.
Volunteers are being sought for Saturday, April 28 (rain date May 5), to help with mulch spreading, errands, organizing closets and garages, mowing, clearing debris from walkways, discarding expired food and newspapers, changing floodlights, and disinfecting bathrooms and other living areas.
ILD focuses primarily on Nunnawauk Meadows, the restricted income housing development for residents age 60 and over. More than 35 individuals were served last year.
Volunteers can sign up for one or both shifts (9:30 to 11:30 am and 12:30 to 2:30 pm). Meals are offered prior to each shift.
Call or e-mail Kaitlyn Johnson to sign up or for additional information, 203-270-4335 or kjohnson@NewtownYouthAndFamilyServices.org