Good Samaritans Sought: Animal Shelter Drive-Thru Planned
In conjunction with recent lessons about The Good Samaritan, the children and families of Christ the King Lutheran Church are conducting a donation drive to benefit Newtown Animal Shelter.
The public is invited to join the effort on Saturday, March 29, 9 am to noon, when a similar event will be conducted at the church, 85 Mt Pleasant Road.
Requested items include pet food, treats, toys, cleaning supplies (bleach, paper towels, sprays), and old blankets and towels.
The Sunday School will be assisted by the church’s youth group during the drive.
The children recently learned about the Good Samaritan, and are working to be Good Samaritans in their own community. The children were presented with various charitable ideas, and they voted to help animals with their efforts.
The community-wide drive on March 29 will be the final culmination of their efforts.
Christ the King Sunday School educator Elizabeth Lowery notes the timing of the lesson coincides nicely with Lent, “and our Lenten call as Christians to be charitable during this Holy season.”