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A Delayed But Heartfelt Thank You



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To the Editor:The Newtown Bee.

On January 4, 2018, we had the first nor'easter and it was a dilly; and from what I recall, it was a true 12 inches of snow, with winds that made drifting in certain areas impossible to clear.

Now, living on South Main Street in Newtown, we have two additional issues.

One: We have the state highway trucks who plow and their drivers have little choice but to send their snow right back into our driveway, after we dearly pay to have it removed.

Two: Living on Ram Pasture, the wind comes across that open area and creates additional snowbanks, which on that day were clearly up to my knees.

So, being a true New Englander, shovel in hand, warm coat and other clothing to keep me warm, out I go to remove the snow from my driveway entrance.

I guess it must have been quite at sight and I caught the eye of a dad and his teenage son, who informed me they were Boy Scouts, and quickly pulled into Lovell's Lane and jumped out of their truck to help me. In no time at all they had removed most of the snow, and I encouraged them to stop shoveling because I was sure I could get out.

I jumped into my vehicle and proceeded to exit my driveway. Unfortunately, I got stuck halfway out. Lucky me: another kind man, named Danny, stopped his truck and shoveled me out while directing traffic.

A quick wave and a kind thank you was all I had left in me as I took a first class beating on that hazardous day in January. But I made up my mind to thank you three men for your kindness, that I now share with my Newtown neighbors who read

Peggy Jepsen

16 South Main Street, Newtown         March 21, 2018

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