Bird-Oriented AudubonCenter Programs
Bird-Oriented Audubon
Center Programs
SOUTH BRITAIN â Lillinonah Audubon Societyâs March general chapter meeting will feature Wendy Rineer and Laura Fortin of the Sharon Audubon Center, who will describe two important bird-oriented programs of the center. The meeting will take place on Thursday, March 27, at the meeting house of South Britain Congregational Church, Route 172 at East Flat Hill Road. It will begin with social time and refreshments at 7:30 pm, followed by the program at 8.
The meeting is free of charge and the public is welcome. Contact Mary Harmon, 264-4124, for additional information.
Ms Rineer cares for 15 nonreleasable hawks and owls. She has also been involved in rehabilitating thousands of songbirds and raptors, and works closely with wildlife rehabilitators throughout the state. Her presentation will offer overview of how birds are rehabilitated and explain some of the specific techniques used.
Laura Fortin is project coordinator for the local Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) chapters. She will talk about a nationwide birdbanding project that keeps track of trends in songbird populations. There are seven stations run by the Sharon Center, including two at the Nature Center at Bent of the River.