A Thousand Meals
A Thousand Meals
To the Editor:
On Saturday, The Knights of Columbus, Virgilius Council #185, hosted a dinner for those in our community that were alone or in need. Joined by members of St Rose, Congregation Adath Israel Synagogue, The Newtown Congregational Church, and over 100 volunteers, we were able to prepare, serve and deliver over 1,000 meals to people in Newtown, Shelton, Bridgeport, Danbury, and Monroe.
An event this large required a community effort and Newtown responded. We would like to thank Father Bob Weiss, St Rose Social Concerns Committee, Newtown High School, The Salvation Army, The Newtown Congregational Church, Congregation Adath Israel Synagogue, Newtown Health Department, Shelter of the Cross, Bagelman, The Sandy Hook Diner, Lorraine Frampton, Rand Whitney, and My Place. We would also like to acknowledge the generous cash donations from Sunday Mass at St Rose and also the cash donations from the community at large.
All of the purchased and donated food for this event was fully utilized. The leftovers were all gathered and delivered to the Sisters of the Holy Family at Marian Heights in Monroe and they were extremely grateful.
On behalf of the Knights of Columbus, Virgilius Council #185, we would like to thank everyone for their participation in this charitable event. Through your help, we were able make a difference in the lives of many that were ...at our Gate. May God bless you and your families.
Mark Dennen
6 Old Green Road, Sandy Hook                             March 18, 2003