‘Timeless Newtown’ Events At A Glance: March 23-April 24, 2025
The following are special events tied in to the “Timeless Newtown” series being presented by C.H. Booth Library, Commission on Aging, and Friends of Newtown Seniors. All ages are encouraged to attend and there is no fee unless noted. Registration is requested (or required where noted).
This list will be updated as events are added.
CHB = C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street (203-426-4533, chboothlibrary.org)
NSC = Newtown Senior Center, 8 Simpson Street (203-270-4310).
Every Tuesday, 6-7:30 pm (CHB Antiques Room): Free Write Weekly.
For those working on a writing project, a set schedule and dedicated time is the best way to get work done. Join the weekly writing session at the library to focus on a novel, screenplay, thesis, etc. Each session will have 15 minutes to chat about what’s being worked on and get settled, then a solid hour to get writing. *This program now includes memoir writing.
Every Wednesday, 10:30-11:30 am (via Zoom): 30 Minute Flex & Balance with Sean Fitzpatrick.
Hosted by C.H. Booth Library, this weekly program offers a gentle 30-minute exercise session for participants to practice flexibility and balance.
Every second Tuesday, 1 pm (NSC): Heart Speak.
A local team has been working for over a year to collect positive stories from people of all ages, to share with others of all ages. This program’s motto is “Brightening the world, two minutes at a time.” Join John Bobowski and Cindy Miller to listen to examples of these stories, and learn how to share your own stories. Next program April 8.
Registration required, free of charge (non-Senior Center members welcome; just mention that you’d like to sit in on this program and a seat will be saved for you); 203-270-4310.
(Read more here: Brightening The World, Two Minutes At A Time: The Heart Speak Project)
Sunday, March 23, 12:30-2 pm (CHB): “Stay Home and Explore the World: A Poetry Class with Sandy Carlson.”
This class will begin with strategies and activities to explore poems by local poets. Participants will then have the opportunity to write either individually or collaboratively, creating a community poem.
Sandy Carlson is poet laureate emerita of Woodbury and a high school English teacher. She and her husband, Ed Dzitko, publish Orenaug Mountain Poetry Journal and Orenaug Mountain Publishing. This event is open to adults of all experience levels, including beginners.
Saturday, March 29, 2 pm (CHB meeting room): “Honey and Its Healing Properties.”
Honey has been revered by the ancients for its health benefits and healing properties. It has valuable antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Learn from Humble Bee Honey Company why it is a trusted complementary medicinal product, and all about the benefits and the differences between natural honey and medical grade honey in this comprehensive program.
Monday, March 31 (CHB meeting room): Adult Show and Tell (new date).
Rescheduled from February 27, it’s time for adults to enjoy a round of Show & Tell. Share a toy or item from your childhood, a family heirloom, a keepsake, a souvenir … anything that has a story. Have fun, learn something, and meet new people.
Tuesday, April 1 (Newtown Community Center, 8 Simpson Street): “Why Attitudes Toward Age and Aging Matter: Panel Presentation,” 5:30-7 pm.
See related press release: 'Attitudes Toward Aging And Why They Matter' Panel Discussion Planned.
Saturday, April 12, 9:45 am (CHB meeting room): Community Yoga Class Series.
Enjoy an hour of relaxing and gentle yoga led by instructor Alyssa Mancini (Herbs, Love & Yoga), who will make the class perfect for beginners and seasoned yogis alike with focus on mindful movement, breathwork and relaxation. Dress comfortably and BYO yoga mat or towel. Space is limited and registration is required for April 12 and any subsequent class (April 19, May 10, May 17, May 24, and May 31).
Tuesday, April 15, 5:30-7 pm (Newtown Community Center, 8 Simpson Street): “A Holistic Health Perspective: Panel Presentation.”
A moderated panel of health professionals will discuss emotional, physical, mental and social implications of aging and discuss why everyone of every age should know about this. Experts will include a human services worker (mental health perspective), a student of gerontology (emotional health perspective), an older adult (social perspective), and a physician (physical perspective).
Register at newtowncommunitycenter.org or by calling 203-270-4349.
Thursday, April 24, 10 am (Nunnawauk Meadows Community Building, 3 Nunnawauk Road): “Essentials for Safe Hiking for Adults New to Hiking.”
*Please note, due to limited parking, a bus at the senior center will shuttle attendees to Nunnawauk Meadows starting at 9:30.
Linda Dunn of Newtown Hikers will discuss how to prepare for a hike, necessary equipment, what to do in an emergency, and answer questions after her talk. For anyone, including seniors, who might be new to hiking and would like to learn about it.
Registration required. Nunnawauk Meadows residents should sign up at Nunnawauk Meadows Office. Newtown Senior Center members should sign up at the senior center, and all other community members can register by contacting Andrea Zimmermann at apzwriter@yahoo.com.
“Timeless Newtown: Embracing Every Generation” is a 2025 initiative of Friends of Newtown Seniors (FONS) where, in concert with community partners, it strives to counteract the negative attitudes and stereotypes associated with aging.
Built on the absolute understanding that we all age, the program will first attack the negative beliefs internalized by many older adults about what the aging process looks like. The program emphasizes the individual nature of aging and the concept of health span as different from lifespan. Put simply how we each can thrive rather than just survive.
Supporting this discussion of healthy aging will be part two of the program which provides information on the latest research in aging and what simple things people of all ages can do to age in a manner that maintains a high quality of life.
The third part of the program will bring together the information from the first two parts and help dispel ageist views and bring together Newtown residents of every generation in discussions which clarify the value of every age group in our society. “Timeless Newtown” hopes to be a model for other communities who desire to foster intergenerational activities and conversation about nutrition, exercise, creative expression, and the mind/body connection for life.