‘Attitudes Toward Aging And Why They Matter’ Panel Discussion Planned
As part of the ongoing “Timeless Newtown” series, a special panel discussion is being planned for Tuesday, April 1.
Friends of Newtown Seniors, C.H. Booth Library, the Commission on Aging, and Newtown Human Services invite the public to “Attitudes Toward Aging and Why They Matter,” a panel discussion to concern the universal process of aging and how positive attitudes can stimulate a paradigm shift in the way everyone at any age views aging.
The program will begin at 5:30 pm at Newtown Community Center, 8 Simpson Street.
Friends of Newtown Seniors Vice President Peter Schwarz will moderate the 90-minute event.
Panelists will include John Boccuzzi Sr, a retired educator with 41 years of experience and the current president of FONS; Dr Brianna Garrison, researcher and assistant professor of Department of Social Work at Southern CT State University; Marissa Greene, a Master’s student of Gerontological Social Work at Southern CT State University; and Ann (Nancy) Rhodes, APRN-BC, author and consultant on aging and caregiving.
Each panelist will bring their unique perspective on aging to the discussion. Those planning to attend are encouraged to bring questions and thoughts on aging, and plan to take part in an open discussion.
There is no fee to attend but registration is requested so organizers can plan for seating. Contact FONS at 203-430-0633 or info@FriendsOfNewtownSeniors.org or see our online calendar listing for this event, which has an online registration link.
There are three areas of focus for the “Timeless Newtown: Embracing Every Generation” series. The first is to clarify for seniors what the aging process is about and let go of some of the negative stereotypes they have absorbed from society.
The second is to recognize that aging is a natural process, and the third is to pull the full community into the discussion and tackle issues. Public events for all ages will carry the series through spring, summer and early autumn (see related sidebar).