Do Comments Fall On Deaf Ears?
To The Editor:
After attending the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting last Thursday night and subsequently finding out that they unanimously endorsed a second gas station at 13 Hawleyville Road, I can only assume that every board member had been struck deaf during the public comment portion of the meeting. All public comments were in opposition.
For those who don’t know, there is a gas station already approved for property at 26 Hawleyville Road, where the Hawleyville Deli site is. That is less than half a mile from the above mentioned location. This area is highly congested now. There will likely be diesel fuel, as well. Tractor trailers will likely be exiting onto Covered Bridge Road to enter onto Route 25. This road routinely backs up due to I-84 traffic.
Chairman Alan Clavette explained that the purpose of this ZBA meeting was to decide whether this site is suitable in terms of public safety as well as its proximity to “places of public gathering” for a gas station. When asked about the proximity to the new Grace Family Church at 13 Covered Bridge, civil engineer Dainius Virbickas, said it is a fair distance away. I have lived in this neighborhood for 26 years. The church is not a fair distance away. The gas station will be directly in front of it.
If the purpose of this board is safety, then they are not doing their job. This is not a safe location. There are 180 apartments under construction on Covered Bridge. Some are rented now. Add to that the eventuality of school buses. There was a fatality directly across from Covered Bridge on Route 25 several years ago. My neighbor was rear-ended on Route 25 waiting to turn left onto Covered Bridge.
Has there been any study concerning what may happen if they need to blast for the two 20,000 gallon underground tanks? How will that effect our water supply? Our wells?
A few years ago, zoning changes were made to allow the apartments and church. We were told at a P&Z meeting that the zone change would not allow for gas stations, as that would not be in the best interest of this neighborhood. Nor would it fit into the HCDD vision. The HCDD (Hawleyville Center Design District) was created by P&Z in 1999 to “encourage development with high quality design, which blends the pedestrian scale of a village center.” Lo and behold, the zoning rules were modified by P&Z in September 2018 to allow gas stations. This, in no way, promotes a village center.
Now this will move on to P&Z and IWC. I can’t recall the last time P&Z denied a request. Let’s hope it happens this time. My neighbors have added their names to this letter.
Janet McKeown
10 Hillcrest Drive, Newtown
Vern & Debbie Gaudet, 1 Hillcrest Drive
Tim & Linda Nobes, 2 Covered Bridge Road
Joanne Knees, 3 Covered Bridge Road
Theresa Curry, 4 Hillcrest Drive
Ed Adams, 6 Hillcrest Drive March 19, 2019