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Proposed Bill Raises Age For Using Assault Weapon



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Proposed Bill Raises Age For Using Assault Weapon

HARTFORD (AP) — Connecticut lawmakers on Monday were considering a bill that would require someone to be at least 18 years old before handling a machine gun or assault weapon.

The proposal, before the legislature’s Judiciary Committee, stems from a deadly accidental shooting in October. Christopher Bizilj, 8, of Ashford, Conn., shot himself in the head with an Uzi during a gun fair in Westfield, Mass.

The boy was killed October 26 when he lost control of the 9mm micro submachine gun as it recoiled while he was firing at a pumpkin at the Machine Gun Shoot and Firearms Expo at the Westfield Sportsman’s Club. Christopher’s father was ten feet behind him and reaching for his camera when the child fired the weapon.

Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, a New Haven Democrat, said children may not be strong enough to control assault weapons or machine guns, even if they are being supervised by a parent.

“Children should not be possession of these powerful weapons,” he said.

Looney said it is unclear under current state law whether children are already prohibited from possessing machine guns or assault weapons. He says this bill would clear up the matter.

Raymond Hanley, president of the High Rock Shooting Association in Naugatuck, called the tragedy at the Massachusetts gun show “beyond explanation.” But he said gun safety education is important and it should begin earlier than age 18.

Representative Craig Miner, R-Litchfield, an avid sportsman, said he is concerned that the bill could adversely affect teens who shoot competitively with guns that are considered assault weapons under Connecticut law.

“I’m not sure there is an exact age for everyone,” he said.

Three men, including Pelham, Mass., Police Chief Edward Fleury, whose business promoted the October gun show, and two men who brought the Uzi, have been charged under Massachusetts law with involuntary manslaughter. Fleury was also charged with four counts of furnishing a machine gun to a person under 18.

All three men have pleaded not guilty to their respective charges.

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