Dental Associates Hosts ‘Drive Thru Orthodontic Office’
Dental Associates in Newtown may have closed its office at 32 Church Hill Road, but it was still able to help clients receive the orthodontic appliances they need through a “Drive Thru Orthodontic Office" in its parking lot on March 18, from 10 am to noon.
The office is anticipated to remain closed for the next two weeks to do its part to help protect the community and stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Orthodontist Dr Aaron Gilman conducted a Drive Thru Orthodontic Office as a way of preventing interruption in his patients’ treatments.
“I have a handful of patients that were scheduled this week expecting to receive their orthodontic appliances,” Dr Gilman said. “These are patients that are already in treatment with removable appliance therapy and just need to get their new set of Invisalign aligners.”
During the Drive Thru Orthodontic Office, Dr Gilman had people remain in their car, roll down their car windows, and be handed a canvas bag with the patient’s next supply of clear aligners.
The patients were asked to try their new appliances on inside the car to make sure everything fit or e-mail a photo of their teeth to Dr Gilman later on.
Dental Associates in Newtown planned for an afternoon Drive Thru Orthodontic Office later that same day and hopes to arrange a day next week to continue to offer this service.
For more information about Dental Associates in Newtown, visit