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Commission Seeks Volunteers To Improve Open Spaces



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Commission Seeks Volunteers To Improve Open Spaces

By Kendra Bobowick

Starting with her list of people “who had expressed a desire to help the Conservation Commission,” new Chairman Mary Wilson seeks volunteers’ help improving Newtown’s open spaces.

With spring dawning on March 20 and the warmer weather beckoning residents outdoors, Ms Wilson said, “I just want to get the public involved; we could use the help.” With invasive species removal topping her to-do list, Ms Wilson anticipates a need for volunteers “at various times, but now is a good time to start thinking about it.”

Spring growth will include the reemergence of invasive species that tend to grow more quickly than native plants, requiring many hands to pull plants including barberry, garlic mustard, and bittersweet.

The Conservation Commission members offer two PowerPoint presentations, including pages about invasive plants in town. The other presentation is on aquifers.

The presentations are available for any group that requests it. Ms Wilson hopes to reach schools, organizations, or any “service groups,” she said. The presentations are “very basic, but the message is the same: We need to work together on open spaces and neighborhoods.” Quoting a phrase from the presentation, she said, “If we could all just ‘pull together.’”

Residents can also assist the Conservation Commission on an everyday basis. Neighbors will be the first to notice any problems at a nearby open space, Ms Wilson said. “They can be our eyes and ears.” She said, “If they notice anything, the can let us know.”

Open space parcels also need signs. “We need volunteers to help marking the properties,” she said. Some signs are already up, and others need repairs or may have accidentally come down, she said.

For individuals who have the time and inclination, data entry work is also on her list to help complete the open space index. 

Stepping back outdoors, Ms Wilson notes remaining efforts. Her commission is seeking volunteers for light forestry work, “when and where appropriate,” to help maintain the health of open space parcels.

She also seeks advice. For those who know about birds, insects, plant-life, etc, she said, “Maybe there are people who can advise us. A person with ‘special knowledge of birds, other wildlife, and forests,’” is welcome to help inventory properties.

 Students are also encouraged to participate, complete community service hours, and join in the effort to preserve and “maybe even improve” Newtown’s natural resources.

Contact Ms Wilson via e-mail at mhgwilson@sbcglobal.net or 203-426-6518. The Conservation Commission will have a table at Earth Day in April and at the Duck Race in May.

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