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Students Learn At Discovery Workshops



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Students Learn At Discovery Workshops

The Discovery Science, Math & Technology Workshops were held on Saturday, March 12, from 9 to 11 am, at Newtown High School. The 13th annual workshops were once again a successful event, despite the overnight snowstorm.  The workshops are sponsored every year by The Newtown Junior Women’s Club and the Newtown Board of Education. There were 225 students in attendance divided up into 35 workshops. The morning consisted of two 45-minute hands-on workshops, led by volunteers from the community. The workshop leaders are teachers, parents, and community volunteers who donate their time to educate Newtown students. The workshops were open to all Newtown students in kindergarten through fourth grade. All students in attendance were accompanied by a parent or chaperone. The workshops are free to those who participate because of generous support by community sponsors. The event was held in conjunction with the Scholastic Discovery Book Fair, which featured nonfiction books, science kits and tools, and educational toys and software.

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