No Additional Cuts
No Additional Cuts
To the Editor:
Why does the Board of Finance wastes the publicâs and their time with a public forum when in their minds they are only going to fund 99 percent of the request? In The Newtown Bee article, it was stated that the school budget was cut by 0.7 percent. That 0.7 percent represents a $400,000 reduction, which is equivalent to around six teachers with benefits. The Board of Education also needed to freeze spending of $352,600 for the current year because of the Reed oil spill and budget overruns. These items will need to be address from next years budget. That $400,000 would have allowed the school to cover some of those expenses.
On March 30, the Legislative Council will hold its public forum. I would hope that like last year, the Legislative Council will listen to the public and make no additional cuts to the proposed town and school budgets.
Get out and vote!
Suzanne Zimmerman
20 Pine Tree Hill Road, Newtown                              March 15, 2005