Drive On Freedom Fighter Truckers
To the Editor:
How encouraging it was to get my copy of The Bee this Friday. Pictured on the front were the brave souls cheering on the “Freedom Fighter Truckers” on their way to the nation’s capital to give “18” Wheeled Voice to the demand that the government get out of our lives and away from our children!
A mask mandate is anti-American and forcing health concerns belies our responsibility to take our health care and that of our families into our own, capable hands. Regardless of whether the scientific community and the vast majority of Americans have chosen to keep a safe distance, get vaccinated, protect the health care workers and the community at large, these stalwarts fight on.
They mirror fighters against tyranny literally sacrificing and dying in the hopes they may save their country from the Russian incursion into the Ukraine. In fact the mask mandate may be our home-grown Putin.
Driven by ego and self-aggrandizement he’s willing to bomb hospitals, massacre children, and lay waste to a free and proud country to satisfy his own warped ambition. Can we say that forcing Americans to wear a mask, work remotely, and suffer social distancing is any different?
I think not!
So drive on truckers, we’ll support you on every overpass, cheer you on, and let the people know that public health is an issue as vital to our sense of individual right as praying for a No-Fly-Zone is for every Ukrainian battling on against a foe many times their size.
Jacques Dickinson
At first I was like, wha? Then I was like, huh? But then it hit me. To you sir, I say BRAVO! Rarely do we see satire of this caliber published in our little town paper. Absolutely brilliant. I love the way you not-so-obliquely compare mask wearing to the massacre of innocent children. Very good. Thanks for taking the time to write this, and force us all to think, just a little bit more critically.
This letter is more appropriate for The Onion. Children are dying from COVID — and they are dying every day from bombs. By coupling two completely different issues, this letter diminishes, even belittles, the harsh reality of both of these ongoing tragedies, one of which involves unspeakable war crimes that brings many to tears.