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Scholarships Available



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Scholarships Available

The Newtown High School Career Center publicizes all scholarships of which it is notified. A few of the scholarships, typically national ones, request that money be enclosed with the application.

The Career Center believes that students should not have to pay to apply for scholarships. If a student chooses to apply for a scholarship that charges a fee, however, the Career Center strongly advises parents and students to check its authenticity through the FTC Consumer Response Center, www.ftc.gov or 877-FTC-HELP; the National Fraud Information Center, www.fraud.org or 800-876-7060; or the Better Business Bureau, www.bbb.org or 703-276-0100.

Voice of Democracy VFW Audio-Essay Contest — The Voice of Democracy scholarship program is an audio-essay contest for high school students in grades 9 though 12. The national first-place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college, or vocational/technical school. Prizes and scholarships are awarded at the local, district, state, and national level. Students are required to draft an essay based on this year’s theme: “Is Our Constitution Still Relevant?” Students should then record their reading of the draft to a CD, not to exceed five minutes. The essay and audio recording should be submitted with the Voice of Democracy entry form to their local VFW Post no later than November 1. Refer to the website www.vfw.org, click on Community/Pograms for details.

SAMMY Awards (Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year) — The 2012 Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year (SAMMY) campaign in partnership with USA Today recognizes 25 graduating high school student athletes throughout the nation with a $7,500 scholarship for their achievements in academics, athletics (high school sport or club sport), and community service. Winners will also receive an all-expense-paid trip to Disney World and be featured in a Milk Mustache ad. Teachers, coaches, principals, guidance counselors, athletic directors, and relatives are encouraged to nominate a student athlete for the SAMMY 2012 Awards. Applicants must register and apply online at sammyapplication.com by March 19.

Young American Creative Patriotic Art Awards — The VFW Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Awards program. Eligible students in ninth through twelfth grade may submit patriotic artwork on paper on canvas in one of the following mediums: watercolor, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen and ink, or oil. Digital art is not accepted. The submission deadline to the local Ladies Auxiliary Youth Activities Chairman is March 31. The entry must be completed during the current school year and the application requires a teacher’s signature. Contest rules and the application are available in the high school’s Career Center.

Ancient Order of Hibernians — The Danbury and Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians is offering two $200 awards to a male and female graduating senior from an area high school. To qualify for the award, applicants must be referred by a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians or Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Danbury divisions. This may be a parent, grandparent, relative, or friend. Applications are available in the Career Center and the submission deadline is April 15.

Kennedy Center Charity Golf Classic Scholarship — The Kennedy Center invites high school student golfers in grades 9 through 12 who are academic achievers and have demonstrated leadership in the classroom and community to participate in the 21st Annual Charity Golf Classic. This year’s event will be held at The Shorehaven Golf Club in Norwalk on June 25. Student participants who are selected to participate in the Golf Classic tournament will receive a scholarship award. If an applicant is selected by the committee to be a participant in the tournament, the selected golfer must play golf the day of the event and attend the awards ceremony. Applications are available online at www.thekennedycenterinc.org and must be submitted by May 25.

Congressional Art Competition — The Congressional Art Competition, sponsored by the Congressional Caucus and Christopher Murphy, is inviting high school students in ninth through twelfth grades to submit a work of art for judging. Students’ artwork will be displayed at the Mattatuck Museum. The winner of this year’s competition will be provided with complementary air travel to Washington, D.C., for an awards ceremony where their artwork will hang in the tunnel leading to the US Capitol building for one year. Entries must be received via e-mail and the actual piece must be delivered to Congressman Murphy’s office in New Britain by Friday, April 13, at 5 pm. An informational packet is available in the high school’s Career Center.

CT Young Writers Trust Competition — The Connecticut Young Writers Trust is recognizing two young writers ages 13 to 18. Winning entrants will receive cash awards for their works of prose or poetry and may also have their work published in the literary journal, Connecticut Review. Original poetry and prose including essays, short stories, reviews, plays, research papers, or news articles may be submitted electronically by visiting www.ctyoungwriterstrust.org. All entrants must be nominated by a teacher, and entries must be postmarked by March 31.

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