Ryan Mayer and Shannon Kohn
Ryan Mayer and Shannon Kohn
Pamela and Kevin Kohn of Newtown happily announce the engagement of their daughter, Shannon Jeanne Kohn, to Ryan A. Mayer, son of Kathy and Bill Mayer of St Clair, Mich.
Shannon graduated from Newtown High School in 2002 and received her BA in strategic and organizational communication from Temple University in 2006. She is currently employed as the director of marketing and channel relations for Datto Inc in Norwalk, and is pursuing her MBA from the University of Connecticut.
 Ryan graduated from Northwest Guilford High School in Greensboro, N.C. He received his BA in materials engineering from North Carolina University in 2005, and is pursuing a masterâs in industrial process management from Rensselaer Polytechnic. He is also currently working for M Cubed in Monroe.
The couple live in Bridgeport with their cat, Zena, and enjoy playing in a local volleyball league.
A June wedding will be held at The Candlewood Inn on Candlewood Lake, Brookfield.