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Newtown Winter Guards On Top



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Newtown Winter Guards On Top

Competing against eight high schools, the Newtown High School Junior Varsity Winter Guard regained its first-place position on Saturday, March 10, and joined the NHS Varsity and Reed Intermediate School Juniors in taking home the top trophies at the latest Musical Arts Conference (MAC), held at Shelton High School, recently.

Earning a season-high score of 78.7, the NHS Junior Varsity defeated the nearest challenger, Masuk High School’s Varsity Winter Guard, by a single point in the Scholastic AA division.

 The NHS Varsity Guard also earned a season high score, breaking 80 for the first time this season. The squad’s score of 80.9 crushed the competition, besting Trumbull and Naugatuck by more than seven points in the Scholastic National A division, and earning thunderous applause from an appreciative audience.

 Continuing in their neck-and-neck battle with rival Bethel, the Newtown Juniors once again came out on top, this time besting their competition by nearly two full points, as the judges awarded Newtown a 76.6, and Bethel a 74.7.

 In other MAC activity, the Newtown High School Percussion Marching A performed their show “Flow” prior to the Winter Guard competition. Under the direction of NHS Band Director Kurt Eckhardt the 14 member pit and drum ensemble showcased their music and choreography to earn fourth place in their division.

 This Saturday, March 17, all three Newtown Winter Guard divisions will compete in a MAC competition at Norwalk High School beginning at 1 pm.

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