2012-13 Budget Proposal By The Numbers
2012-13 Budget Proposal
By The Numbers
On March 14, the Board of Finance approved a 2012-13 townwide budget request to the Legislative Council, which is scheduled to hold its public hearing on the proposal Wednesday, March 28. If the council sends the spending plan to referendum with no adjustments, taxpayers will need to consider the following:
$107,806,525 â Bottom line to be met through taxation and other revenues
$107,406,525 â Total in expenditures before a $400,000 allocation to the general fund
 $27,980,942 â Total town side increase (0.43 percent over current year)
 $69,355,794 â Total school district increase (2.04 percent over current year)
 $10,069,789 â Represents a 3.57 percent increase in debt service (interest on bonding for capital projects)
      $404,979 â Represents the total savings in self-funded health plan costs
2.34 percent â Total proposed tax increase
0.57 percent â Total proposed increase in mill rate