An Open Letter From Newtown’s State Delegation
To the Editor:
We thank all interested parties for their interest and follow-up relative to the status of the Town of Newtown’s request to update an “Economic Development” deed-restriction on the formerly state-owned property designated “6 Commerce Road,” resolved as an “Open Space” deed-restricted parcel.
Newtown’s State Legislative Delegation provides this public update as an assurance to the citizens of Newtown that all appropriate legislative actions required to accomplish the subject repurposing of the parcel at 6 Commerce Drive, Newtown, Connecticut have been implemented, as has been communicated through public media releases, and at public meetings held by The Delegation on January 12, 2025, and February 22, 2025.
Upon receipt of a November 1, 2024, letter to The Delegation from First Selectman A. Jeffrey Capeci requesting removal of the July 16, 2004, deed’s “economic development stipulation,” said request was accepted, to be acted upon on or about the January 8, 2025 opening of the Connecticut General Assembly’s 2025 Session, by way of a bill proposal. The resulting bill, SB-673, became active in the Legislature’s system on Saturday, January 11, 2025, and was transmitted to The Delegation on that date.
“Conveyance matters like SB-673 generally fold into larger “Omnibus” conveyance bills, typically passing the legislature without opposition, and subsequently signed into law by the Governor. While subject to public hearings as part of larger bills, their passage is seldom in question, and thereby amongst the legislature’s last actions, deferring to stand-alone, more controversial bill proposals. As such, we have the assurance of Government Oversight Committee leadership that the local importance of this matter is understood, and will be subject to the requested action, probably in late May 2025. Until such time, we encourage concerned individuals to submit testimony to the committee in support of SB 673, at
In conclusion, concerns travelling through the Newtown community regarding non-issuance of a revised deed are unfounded. Your Newtown Delegation wishes to assure concerned citizens that the deed-conversion process removing 2004’s economic development requirement, migrating 6 Commerce as proposed, “for open space and recreational purposes” is underway. Periodic updates from the committee will be distributed to the public, upon receipt.
Mitch Bolinsky, State Representative (106)
Tony Hwang, State Senator (28)
Marty Foncello, State Representative (107)