‘Bee’ Part Of The Conversation: Community Buzz
The Newtown Bee is seeking residents to take part in semi-regular conversations throughout the year. Five to six people will be selected for each session of The Community Buzz, responding to a single-subject question selected by our newsroom and sharing thoughts on that subject with each other. The conversation will be moderated by staff of The Newtown Bee.
Conversations will be recorded, and portions may be used in subsequent articles in The Newtown Bee. The group may be photographed.
If enough interest is generated, the first Community Buzz will take place on Friday, April 12, from 3 to 4 pm, at the office of The Newtown Bee, 5 Church Hill Road. The subject will focus on environmental issues.
The Community Buzz is intended for participants ages 16 and over.
To be considered for an upcoming Community Buzz, please contact [naviga:u]editor@thebee.com[/naviga:u], subject line Community Buzz, by March 26, and include your full name, any areas of interest, availability, and daytime contact information. You will be contacted by April 5 if you are selected to take part in this first conversation