NHS Student Jared Tod Creates An Elective Finder App
Newtown High School sophomore Jared Tod has published an app on the Google Play store that helps all NHS students find elective classes.been published on the Google Play storebit.ly/electivefinder
Jared said on Monday, February 27, that he first created a website when taking NHS's Web Design class last school year, as a freshman. The website was an advanced project beyond regular coursework.
This semester, while taking the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course, Jared was tasked with creating an app. Jared said he decided to bring back his project from last year to further help students find electives when planning which classes to take at NHS.
for people to use on Android devices.The app was finished in the last few weeks and it has
"With the Newtown High School Elective Finder," the description for the app reads, "you can find the perfect class for you. You can get easily personalized results by just inputting your grade and one of your interests. Very useful for incoming students who don't know what elective they'd like to take. Once you find one that seems interesting, you can read a detailed paragraph about what the class includes."
Jared said the app is good for students to use before speaking with their counselors to select future courses.
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles teacher Kristin Violette said the app is "a way to narrow down the plethora of [class] choices we have."
The app includes descriptions of the electives.
After the app was unveiled, Ms Violette said the response from school staff and administration was positive. School electives, she said, were only available on a PDF list before Jared created his website and app. The app, she said, is a much easier way to navigate the courses available at NHS.
There is an option for Jared to decide to further the app by adding more courses, beyond electives, as a future project. Ms Violette said he or another student may also choose to publish the app for other devices.
"There's potential for growth," said Ms Violette.
Until then, both Jared and Ms Violette said the app is helpful, and it offers a platform for Jared to also share some other designs he has made, like 3D environments he has created.
.The NHS Elective Finder is available on the Google Play store and online at