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Getting US Back On Track



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Getting US Back On Track

To the Editor:

Each week I read with interest the banter between those blaming Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc for the economic collapse we are now experiencing. The real culprit is someone we all know quite well: we the people.

Politicians of any stripe would not have so much power and control had we not so casually handed it over to them. Slowly but all too surely we traded our freedom for empty promises that basic common sense should have warned were not sustainable. The long-gone American dream of opportunity has been replaced with our so-called right to own the home of our choice regardless of affordability, our right to own the latest technology gadget whether or not it is necessary, our right to spend every three-day weekend on vacation, our right to drive a new car every two years, etc, etc., etc. The hard work, determination, and sense of responsibility to ourselves and our neighbors that built this great nation is almost nonexistent. Why work hard for something we want or need when Mr or Mrs Politician will just give it to us since “we deserve it.”

We have become so soft and weak. We willingly allow our heads to be filled with all the reasons we can’t face challenges ourselves. No matter the politician you choose to blame or place your faith, without a return to self-reliance, self-discipline, self-respect and self-control all hope is lost. It is time to turn off the big screen TV, unplug the iPod, stop the inane texting, get off Facebook, and stand up and take stock of ourselves and our so-called leaders. The future of our children and grandchildren demand nothing less. We all must pull our own weight. Now is the time for us to make sure we are taking care of business in our little corner of the country. We must demand more from ourselves and our neighbors. Don’t look to Washington or Hartford for answers. Let’s take responsibility ourselves. Let us once again breathe the fresh air of freedom from tyranny and learn anew the value of a hard day’s work. We the people, all doing our part, can get this great nation back on track.

John Moulder

Hattertown Road, Newtown                                           March 8, 2009

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