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To the Editor:

(and to the fine citizen dog owners of Newtown),

Please. I’m begging you: If you walk your dog at Fairfield Hills, pick up your pup’s poop!

Right now it is a veritable minefield, and it ain’t just ’cuz the snow has melted.

Bring a bag (reuse the one from your grocery vegetables, from a loaf of bread, your latest Amazon delivery…) or get one from the dispenser provided by the town at the Walking Trails trailhead.

And use it!

And throw it away in one of the many available trash bins. Okay, so you may have to pocket the tethered, squishy little hand warmer a little ways. Nobody’s judging!

Actually, we’ll only judge you if we see you blithely walk away from your pup’s creation. We do see you. We just don’t want to yell that far.

If you walk your dog in other locations, like our beautiful trails and parks, ditto above! We may not see you, but we do see the doodoo. If you’re not going to bag it, at least golf it into the woods and off the trail. And if you are going to bag it… don’t leave it lying there! I mean, c’mon. Pocket your pup’s packaged poop and place it properly — in “la poubelle”!

Thank you from the bottoms of my feet,

Sue Torrey

West Street, Newtown

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