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A CO2 Mess For The Next Generation?



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To The Editor:

Is it fair to leave CO2 mess to our children?

Remember the deadly tornado in Alabama. The polar vortex in January. Australia’s record heat and 4 feet of rain in one week. Are these events related or caused by climate change? You decide.

Since the 1950s, the CO2 levels have been rising. Nature can’t balance out the CO2 gases we produce. Don’t you think we should at least stop polluting the environment and take advantage of programs that promote clean energy.

What can we do? We need to change our mindset, and that can be hard. Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) has reintroduced The Energy Innovation and Carbon Fee Dividend Act Bill into Congress (H.R. 763). The purpose of the bill is to change our behavior from fossil fuels to renewable energy. A fee is placed on fossil fuels at the source (oil or natural gas well, coal, etc). This fee starts at $15 per ton of CO2-equivalent emissions and increases each year by $10. One hundred percent of the net fees is returned to us on an equal basis. Under this plan, about 2/3 of all households would break even or receive more in their dividend checks than they would pay in higher prices due to the fee, thereby protecting the poor and middle classes.

Since we are started this mess, we need to be take responsibility to fix it. The children are speaking. 16-year-old Greta Thunberg started a climate justice movement where over 30,000 children are protesting the government. (Juliana vs US Government lawsuit.)

Write to your representatives and ask them to vote for this bill. Go to:

*citizensclimatelobby.org then click the action button and then write to Congress.

*cbia.com then click action center, then drive change.

Let them hear your voices and march with the children.

Thank you.

Ron Brandes


222 Oak Hill Drive, Southbury        March 11, 2019

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