Make It A True Community Center
To the Editor:
I feel very strongly that the town is being misled. I haven't been here as long as some, but I feel a great passion for the town. I feel the ol’ squeaky wheel syndrome is at play here.
Don't get me wrong. I feel both the town’s families and the seniors deserve a place to enjoy each other’s company. The opportunity that GE has most generously presented to our town should by all means be put into action. I just feel that the seniors lack of willingness to share with the general public needs to be addressed.
They have gone on record saying they will not approve of any facility that they have to share with anyone under the age of 60. In the first phase, the seniors will get kitchen facilities, card playing room, craft rooms, library, pool tables and a computer room – all locked up tight 4 pm. None of which will be available at anytime to the community. All in approximately 10,000 square feet.
The general public will get partial use of the pool’s empty rooms or lounges and some locker rooms… granted, all paid for with the most generous gift from GE. By the way there are almost 5,000 seniors in town of which only 400 are signed up as members of the present Senior Citizen Center.
We were told that would be a possible phase two. At whose expense? We were told the money would be made through a CIP now in the works. I don't know about other folks, but my taxes were raised 20 percent. The roads are the worst in memory. We're losing town employees, and they are not being replaced, because we don't pay as well as even some smaller towns do. The teachers are performing way above pay scale by finishing 16th in the state. All this while being paid less than neighboring towns.
What I'm saying is...make this a Community Center equal in its use. Use the generous gift from GE for the whole community. Spend the town’s money on things the town needs like some of the programs listed above. Then there will be no need for a phase two.
Ross Carley
Former co-chair Commission on Aging
66 Currituck Road, Newtown March 11, 2015