2010 Crime Stats- Police Report Sharp Rise In Larcenies, Burglaries
2010 Crime Statsâ
Police Report Sharp Rise
In Larcenies, Burglaries
By Andrew Gorosko
Town police crime statistics compiled for 2010 indicate sharp increases in both the number of larcenies and burglaries that were reported to police when compared to 2009, with larcenies increasing by almost 30 percent and burglaries rising by about 18 percent.
In 2010, police received reports of 223 larcenies, or thefts, having occurred locally, compared to 172 reports of such crimes received in 2009.
The number of larcenies occurring during a given year is variable, with 235 larcenies reported in 2008, 158 larcenies reported in 2007, and 205 such incidents reported in 2006.
During 2010, police received reports of 52 burglaries having occurred, in comparison to 44 such incidents happening in 2009.
By comparison, in 2008 there were 41 burglaries reported, and in 2007 there were 34 such crimes recorded. In 2006, 57 burglary reports were received.
During the past 11 years, the year with the most reported burglaries was 2000, when police received complaints on 66 burglaries.
Police report that five motor vehicle thefts occurred during 2010, compared to eight such crimes having happened in each of the two preceding years.
The number of serious assaults that police investigated in 2010 rose to seven, compared to five serious assaults during the preceding year.
During the past decade, the year with the highest number of serious assaults, also known as aggravated assaults, was 2004, when ten such crimes were reported to police.
Police Chief Michael Kehoe submitted the crime statistics to Police Commission members at a March 1 session.
The police chief explained that increases in criminal offenses, including larcenies, burglaries, and serious assaults, come in cycles. He said that increases in such crimes are not uncommon when considering the current adverse economic conditions, according to commission records.
Also, police listed three robberies as having occurred in 2010, compared to one robbery having happened in each of the preceding two years.
Police statistics list one murder in 2010, in apparent reference to the skeletal remains of Elizabeth Heath having been found last April at the Poverty Hollow Road property where she had lived. Ms Heath was reported missing to police by her husband in April, 1984. The medical examiner has ruled her death to be a homicide caused by blunt force head trauma. That case remains open.
Murder is a relatively rare crime locally, with other murders having occurred here in 2005 and in 1999. Police have solved both of those crimes.
In 2010, there were two rapes reported to police, the same number as was reported in 2009.  Â
Police investigated one case of arson in 2010, which was the same number of arsons occurring in both 2009 and 2008.
MV Charges
Police made 70 arrests during 2010 on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, compared to 75 such arrests in 2009, 87 arrests in 2008, 82 arrests in 2007, and 102 DUI arrests in 2006. The town police statistics do not include the many DUI arrests that were made by state police on Interstate 84.
In 2010, town police issued 2,647 motor vehicle summonses, compared to 2,720 summonses issued in 2009, and 3,263 summonses that were given out 2008.
During 2010, police issued motorists 3,355 written warnings. By comparison, they issued 3,736 such enforcement actions in 2009, and handed out 3,024 written warnings in 2008. The statistics do not include verbal warnings.
The statistics indicate that police received 22,960 calls for service during 2010. That averages out to about 63 calls for service per day. That call volume reflects an about one percent increase in calls for service compared to 2009, when there were 22,681 such calls.
The number of alarms to which police respond has been dropping steadily during the past several years. In 2010, police responded to 1,530 alarm calls. The number of actual emergencies in those cases was two emergencies.
Police Captain Joe Rios told Police Commission members that police response times to calls for service would be adversely affected if police staffing levels decrease, in light of the high number of calls for service that police have been receiving, according to commission records.
Chief Kehoe said he expects that the number of false alarms that occur has decreased due to the town burglar alarm ordinance and the fines which are levied against people whose alarm systems generate false alarms, according to commission records.