Beginning March 13: Alternating Traffic Flow Planned Near Sugar Street Bridge
Preliminary aerial utility relocation work, which is required for the replacement of the Sugar Street (Route 302) bridge, near its intersections with Elm Drive, South Main Street, Glover Avenue, and Main Street, will require alternating one-way traffic on Sugar Street in that area starting on Monday, March 13.
The bridge replacement project, which has long been in the planning stages, in expected to be completed by November 2018.
The two-lane bridge to be replaced is relatively small. It will be replaced by a three-lane bridge having two eastbound lanes and one westbound lane. The total width of the new bridge's roadway, including shoulders, will be 43 feet. The wider structure is expected to alleviate a bottleneck in an area that becomes congested during the morning and evening rushes.
The existing roadway on the bridge is 28 feet wide. The span carries an estimated 9.200 vehicles per day.