NMS Student Council Holds Fantastic Fun Fridays
Newtown Middle School Student Council members hosted events in the school’s cafeteria called “Fantastic Fun Fridays” throughout February, with the final concluding event held on March 1. The events were held to offer community-building activities.
“We’ve had people get very excited,” said seventh grade Student Council member Ashley Velsmid on March 1 as students were interacting with others behind her. Ashley was working with fellow Student Council members Alexis Underwood and Matthew Holden to run the day’s activity for one lunch wave.
For each Fantastic Fun Fridays event, six tables were used in the cafeteria. As students arrived for lunch, they could choose to go to the tables to participate in the activities. The activity on March 1 had students read “would you rather” conversation starters, and everyone sitting together took turns answering the questions. Student Council members created the cards. One question on a card asked if the students would rather be a little late or too early.
Student Council advisors Shari Oliver and Susan Musco oversaw the events. According to information provided by Ms Oliver, the first Fantastic Fun Fridays event challenged students to build a tower of cups, and another day had students play board games. Eighth grade Student Council members ran the events for eighth grade lunches, and seventh grade Student Council members ran the events for seventh grade lunches.