Clearing Up Community Center Misconceptions <font size="3">By Andy Clure</font>
To the Editor:
The Newtown Community Center Commission is thrilled to have so many Newtown residents engaged in the Community Center process, however recently there have been some misconceptions we'd like to clear up.
* The Commission recommended and the Board of Selectman, Board of Finance, and Legislative Council approved the building of a Community Center with up to 18,000 SF of flexible, programmable space along with a 50 meter and zero entry pool.
* This proposal for a Community Center did NOT include the suggestion of purchasing the Newtown Youth Academy (NYA) or the building of an ice arena.
If you are interested in more details on the proposal, please connect with the Commission's Final Re-port on the Town website:
Many thanks to all the residents who continue to be engaged as we work through this process. Please remember to make time to cast your vote during the referendum taking place on Tuesday, April 5th at the Newtown Middle School from 6 am to 8 pm.
Andy Clure
Co-Chair on behalf of
The Newtown Community Center Commission
24 Winton Farm Road, NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ March 9, 2016