Rock This Democracy Dialogue Planned
Organizers are pleased to announce Rock This Democracy: Community Dialogue will take place from 3 to 4:30 pm Sunday, March 16, in the gymnasium of Edmond Town Hall at 45 Main Street in Newtown.
This event is a follow-up to the rally held on February 22 and will have a different format. It will include an extensive open-mic segment — with a time limit per speaker — for anyone present who wishes to engage in respectful discourse.
The event will begin with a conversation hosting several leaders who have in-depth knowledge of immigration issues who will share insights into the policies and practices that are impacting our local immigrant community. This will include the negative impacts of ICE interactions and raids on individuals, families, businesses and community organizations. Simple, concrete actions to help preserve the civil and human rights of those affected will be detailed.
The first portion of the open mic that follows will be dedicated to the topic of immigration. A second portion will be open to whatever topics members of the audience wish to bring up in relation to democracy, authoritarianism, oligarchy, the rule of law, etc.
All speakers will be asked to keep in mind the boundaries of respectful dialogue. This is also an opportunity to suggest topics for future Community Dialogues or Rallies. Sign-up for the open mic will be on-site when doors open at 2:45 pm, first-come, first-serve.
This public event is free and open to all ages. Children ages 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Free coffee and refreshments will be available. Readers who wish to help defray the cost of staging this or future events are encouraged to make a donation of any size through the GoFundMe link at Free will donations towards refreshments can also be made on site.
Those planning to attend should use the rear entrance of Town Hall for the gymnasium. For wheelchair and handicapped entrance park near the north side of building and take the elevator to lower level.
Rock This Democracy: Community Dialogue will reprise the community dialogue in the future once a list of topics that the audience wants to discuss is in hand.