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Lymphedema Conference Set For March 29WATERBURY - On Saturday, March 29, Connecticut's Circle of Hope Lymphedema Foundation, Inc (nonprofit) in Prospect and its affiliate partner, the Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center in Waterbury, will presen



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Lymphedema Conference Set For March 29

WATERBURY — On Saturday, March 29, Connecticut’s Circle of Hope Lymphedema Foundation, Inc (nonprofit) in Prospect and its affiliate partner, the Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center in Waterbury, will present “Lymphedema: The Flight of Hope,” the first Connecticut-based National Lymphedema Conference for patients, medical professionals, insurance specialists, legislators, and anyone interested in the topic of lymphedema.

The conference will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott, 63 Grand Street, from 7:45 am to 5 pm.

Prominent lymphedema specialists from throughout the United States will gather to present current protocols and treatments of lymphedema, both primary and secondary. There will be presentations, demonstrations, panel discussions, breakout sessions and vendors demonstrating the newest lymphedema products.

In addition to the Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center, so-sponsors include Klose-Norton School of Lymphedema Therapy, LLC, Red Bank, N.J.; Connal Physical Therapy Group, LLC, Windsor, Conn.; Y-Me of Connecticut Breast Cancer Support Organization; and BSN-JOBST, Inc, Charlotte, N.C.

The speakers and topics include attorney Wendy Chaite, “Lymphatic Research”; Dr Andrea Cheville, “Gynecological Malignancies and Lymphedema”; Sherry Lebed Davis, “Focus on Healing Through Movement and Dance”; Dr Ellen R. Fischbein, “Lymphedema –– Living With It and Beyond”; Guenter Klose, “Pediatric Lymphedema”; Dr David Knight,  “A Surgeon Speaks Out About Lymphedema Awareness”; Dr Joseph Ravalese III, “LE: A Radiation Oncologist’s Perspective”; Bonnie Lasinski, “Secondary Lymphedema-Non-Cancer Related”; Gail M. Hendsey and Jane Reinsch, “What is Lymphedema? How is it Treated? What Is Cellulitis?” and breakout session: “Demonstration of MLD and Bandaging, Ask The Professor”; JoAnn Rovig, breakout session: “Winning the War on Lymphedema –– Choices and Self Care”; Saskia R.J. Thiadens, RN, “Impact Of A National Advocacy Organization”; and Robert Weiss, “Suggestions for Creating a Lymphedema Treatment Center of Excellence.”

The registration fee is $75 for professionals and $25 for all others. The fee includes snacks and lunch.

For information and registration contact Jeanne Tassis, email: JT@lymphedemacircleofhope.org website or call 203-758-6138.

Lymphedema may result from cancer treatments, trauma, obesity, surgery, chronic venous insufficiency, and other medical conditions. If left untreated, lymphedema both life-threatening and limb-threatening.

The Circle of Hope Lymphedema Foundation, Inc, a nonprofit corporation, was developed to promote and provide educational programs, public awareness, medical treatment, and continued research for the disease known as lymphedema.

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