The Ten Cycles Nations Experience
To the Editor:
I was given this interesting historical explanation describing the ten cycles which nations experience as they evolve. Students and adults who study history could evaluate past, current, and future events using this list. It is significant because it puts events in a recognizable pattern that make us realize that nations and societies change over time.
Each cycle has a description worth noting:
*A Nation Fallen into “Bondage” (Let’s free ourselves from the chains) followed by
*A Society Showing “Spiritual Faith” (Let’s do God’s will) followed by
*A Society Showing “Great Courage” (Let’s focus on liberty) followed by
*A Nation Experiencing ‘Abundance’ (Let’s seek to attain riches)to be followed by
*A Nation Filled With “Selfishness” (Let’s get what we want) then followed by
*A Society Becoming “Complacent” (Let’s just think for ourselves) followed by a
*A Nation Filled with “Apathy” (Let’s not bother) then followed by
*People in “Dependency” (Let someone else take care of us) leading to
*An Inevitable “Downfall/Bondage” (Let’s realize/figure out what went wrong).
Reflecting on these ten different nation cycles can put current historical events in a unique perspective that previously was not apparent.
Dr Rudy Magnan
Oak View Drive, Sandy Hook March 5, 2021