Borough Government Candidates Endorsed For May Elections
At a special meeting of the Borough Board of Burgesses held on February 26, the candidates for 14 elected borough offices in the May 6 Borough of Newtown elections received endorsements from the 23 registered borough voters who attended the session, according to borough records. The meeting lasted four minutes.
Notably, Borough Warden James O. Gaston, Sr, who has long headed the borough government, is not seeking reelection as warden. Mr Gaston, however, is seeking election as one of the six burgesses. The warden heads the Board of Burgesses.
At the February 26 session, Joseph “Jay” Maher, the current senior burgess, gained endorsement for election as the borough warden. Others receiving endorsements for reelection as burgesses were Tony Baiad and Bill Lucas.
Also endorsed for reelection were incumbent Ann Scaia as borough clerk; incumbent Paula Brinkman as borough treasurer; and dual incumbent Jodie Enriquez as borough tax collector and borough tax assessor. Incumbent John S. Madzula was endorsed for reelection as a member of the Borough Board of Assessment Appeals.
Borough Zoning Commission incumbents Brid Craddock and Claudia Mitchell were endorsed for reelection. Also, Douglas McDonald was endorsed for an alternate membership on that commission. Incumbents John S. Madzula and Kathy Geckle gained endorsements for reelection to the Borough Zoning Board of Appeals.
Candidates seeking elected office in the borough government typically run on a nonpartisan basis.
The borough elections are held biennially on the first Monday in May. It is unusual for candidacies to have contested elections.