By Bernadete and Wayne Addessi"/> By Bernadete and Wayne Addessi"/> Tell The Police Commission Your Views On Traffic At The Flagpole By Bernade – The Newtown Bee

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Tell The Police Commission Your Views On Traffic At The Flagpole <font size="3">By Bernadete and Wayne Addessi</font>



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To the Editor:

The traffic and safety study and recommendations from Frederick P. Clark Associates needs more resident involvement.   We encourage residents to contact Police Chief Viadero and members of the Police Commission to express your opinion.  Search online for Newtown Police Commission and find all members email addresses.  Do it today.

The Police Commission has a responsibility for all residents' safety.  We encourage a greater focus to-wards that end.  Some commission members need to set aside any conflicts you may have due to business relationships or pressure from residents on Main Street and look to the good and safety of all.

Imagine landscaped islands with traffic lights, (not mounted on the flagpole) crossing paths, crossing lights, and a landscaped flagpole will only enhance this area of Main Street and succeed in slowing traffic, hence creating safety for all.  Setbacks from curb cuts is needed, a crosswalk with embedded reflectors is needed at ETH.  A sidewalk and crosswalk is needed to complete the connection on Church Hill Road and Main Street.

Also look to other surrounding communities such as Ridgefield.  Residents there co-exist with a very busy highly trafficked Main Street where multi-million dollar homes adorn this historic Main Street.  There are (four) traffic lights the residents live with. People stroll safely along this busy Main Street lined with homes and countless businesses vehicular traffic, etc.  I have two businesses in Ridgefield and see the action every day - so I know it well.

A child was hit by a car at the flagpole just weeks ago. Do we need another warning?  There are other areas in need of safety within the town center there are studies to show the recommendations but yet no action has been taken. Why?

The commission needs to carefully address the issue of liability. If a tragic accident occurs and no ac-tion was taken after the DOT has made recommendations and the town has failed to act. Then what?  If a tragic accident, injury or death occurs here, we can only imagine what the loss of life or injury and what the cost would be.

No one will disagree that our children's safety is #1 priority.

We have heard that a politician and borough resident is spreading fear of what will happen if the DOT gets involved and controls this project.  That's not the case. The CT DOT works with municipalities and its commissions.  No borough resident should be misleading the public or spreading fear that the DOT will take over the entire project with no input from the town. The Police Commission is the legal authority to act on behalf of the entire community and the DOT will work with them to find the best solution. It's quite simple and factual.

Children visit the library each day.  The children of Trinity, the Middle School, Hawley School, runners, walkers, bikers and residents alike need to be kept safe.  It's time to act now. Contact the com-mission  today.

Thank you,

Bernadette & Wayne Addessi

13 Lovells Lane, Newtown         March 3, 2016

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