Green Light For White Elephants <font size="3">By Paul Fadus</font>
To the Editor:
The Legislative Council has given the green light for the eventual purchase of three more white elephants to add to the ménage known as Fairfield Hills. In a nearly unanimous vote, the Legislative Council has moved forward a proposal to pave the way for the purchase of a 50 meter swimming pool, a hockey rink, and the Newtown Youth Academy.
In declining to challenge the "Voodoo Economics" as presented by the Newtown Community Center Commission, the Legislative Council has put the taxpayers of Newtown at risk of footing the bill for what ultimately will become a $20 million sports complex packaged as our Community Center.
Paul Fadus
5 Sunset Hill Road, NewtownÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ March 3, 2016