Taking Issue With BOE Chair
To the Editor:
Last night (March 1), the Chair of the Board of Education suggested that she is not prohibiting clapping at Board of Education meetings.
While on January 4 she said, "Therefore, there will be no more clapping or any other form, public form of response, at any of our business meetings."
Not only did she not apologize for her draconian rule and her disparate treatment of members of this community who support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) work, but she tried to gaslight us by suggesting that she did not prohibit us from showing support to those who speak in favor of this work.
Clearly, her own words refute her gaslighting attempt.
The previous Board of Education passed and supported a DEI resolution. New leadership and new members of this board have done nothing and said nothing that shows a true support of the Board's resolution.
However, the Chair continues to tone police, suggesting that some public responses have been "disrespectful" and "intimidating;" that we might be "silencing" opposing points of view; and that our clapping is "loud."
Those of us who have been attending Board of Education meetings for many months now are unaware of any of this sort of behavior happening.
The criteria is incredibly subjective. And considering that we've seen far more enthusiasm at a recent Board meeting about the mask rule, with even Board of Education members enthusiastically showing support...surely that display would be intimidating to those with opposing positions.
But alas, no concerns from the Chair. In fact, she was one of the enthusiastic supporters, "For the children!"
A child spoke at last night's meeting [about] how she feels a culturally responsive education would be key in preparing her and her fellow students for the real world.
Our Board Chair crossed her arms and leaned back when the young woman was done. No meaningful display of support whatsoever for this brave child. Even though she (the young woman) was supporting a position the Chair herself explicitly indicated she supported during the recent Race Conversations forum.
This is undeniably disparate and partisan behavior. And it does not belong on our Board of Education, and most certainly not be allowed, much less engendered, by its Chair.
Linda O'Sullivan
Sandy Hook
Gaslighting is defined as a form of manipulation where one uses psychological means to question their own sanity. I attended this meeting myself and I would encourage anyone to watch the meeting video and make up their own minds as to the validity of the claims in this letter, or if perhaps the author is projecting their own actions onto the Chair. As one teacher said during their presentation “when you point a finger, three more point back at you.”
Three words got left out above. Should read:
*a form of manipulation where one uses psychological means to prompt another to question their own sanity.
I agree with Ryan Knapp that several of the claims are misleading, and/or inaccurate.
For those of you who want to judge for yourself, here are the links to the videos and relevant timestamps.
Recent public participation preamble:
Jan 18: https://viewer.earthchannel.com/PlayerController.aspx?&PGD=newtownct&eID=763, Timestamp – 0:02:40
Feb 1: https://viewer.earthchannel.com/PlayerController.aspx?&PGD=newtownct&eID=766, Timestamp – 0:01:44
Feb 15: https://viewer.earthchannel.com/PlayerController.aspx?&PGD=newtownct&eID=777, Timestamp – 0:09:47
Mar 1: https://viewer.earthchannel.com/PlayerController.aspx?&PGD=newtownct&eID=780, Timestamp – 0:22:44
Recent examples of student encouragement:
Feb 15: https://viewer.earthchannel.com/PlayerController.aspx?&PGD=newtownct&eID=777, Timestamp – 0:17:08
Mar 1: https://viewer.earthchannel.com/PlayerController.aspx?&PGD=newtownct&eID=780, Timestamp – 1:47:55
Link to the Bee article about the preamble:
Deborra Zukowski