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Yes, Washington Is Corrupt



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Yes, Washington Is Corrupt

To the Editor:

Reading the letters to the editor pages from February 24, I must respond to Lou Reda’s [“Misinformed and Dysfunctional,” Letter Hive, 2/24/12] claim of “just how misinformed and dysfunctional my fellow Newtowners are.” I only have 500 words and I could easily fill that allotment on Washington corruption or dysfunction alone.

Research “Operation Fast and Furious.” Research the “insider trading” scandal. Research one of my favorites, Charlie Rangel. He was convicted on 11 counts of violating House rules. Rangel failed to pay taxes for 17 years on rental income. He is still in office! How about Ron Blagojevich, Maxine Waters, John Edwards and the list goes on and on? Yes, Mr Reda, Washington is corrupt. Did you know the Treasury Department reported the Internal Revenue Service paid out over $4 billion in child tax credits for illegal aliens in 2010? Eighty percent of Americans, according to one poll, are dissatisfied with our government. Yes, Mr Reda, Washington is dysfunctional!

Moving right along, Lou Reda stated, “our auto industry is across the board profitable. Our GM investment is likely to result in a serous profit for we taxpayers.” Let us get some facts straight. GM’s bankruptcy filing was the second-largest industrial bankruptcy in history. GM had $172 billion in debt and $82 billion in assets. “Government Motors”’ quick bankruptcy wiped out its previous debt and many stock and bond holders. It’s a debt that we the taxpayers are still on the hook for. GM will not pay federal taxes for years, and that, Mr Reda, is a gift to the tune of some $14 billion. A gift from the taxpayers!

I find it laughable that you believe and stated that our auto industry is profitable. It is easy to make a profit when debt and taxes are simply forgotten! I am waiting for my government rescue too. I am waiting for my government to pay off my mortgage, my car loans, my student loans and then you know what I will do? When I receive my next paycheck I too will report a profit! I will even go above and beyond the call of duty and give every member of my household a bonus like GM did for its workers!

I certainly won’t hold my breath, waiting for that serious profit that “we taxpayers” will reap from GM. The government is bankrupting our nation. What’s next Washington, free housing for votes? By the way, maybe you can contact someone in this administration and let them know that the car I purchased six years ago is not worth as much now as when I purchased it. Please ask where is my bailout? Thanks!

Your “fellow dysfunctional Newtowner,”

Rich Narel

18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                        February 27, 2012

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