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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Get To Know Your PC Laptop



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Get To Know Your PC Laptop

“Getting to Know Your PC Laptop” is a free, informative program for senior citizens being offered on Friday, April 27, from 9 to 11 am, in the meeting room of C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street.

The library is offering this program to help area senior citizens get better acquainted with their laptop. Attendees should bring their laptop with them.

Mike Ingber of Upward Business Systems will dispel the mysteries and talk about the parts of a laptop, what programs are on a computer and what they do, what can be connected to a laptop, what needs to be done to enjoy music and movies on a laptop, what choices are for accessing the Internet, how to stay safe from viruses, simple things to do to care for a laptop, and much more.

Questions from attendees will certainly be encouraged.

Sign up is limited to 15 people. Call the library, 203-426-4533, to sign up for the class, which is being made possible through a generous grant from General Electric Corporation.

Participants will need to enter either from the handicap/side or back entrance of the library because the building is usually closed at the time the class is held.

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